Nordisk Webinar – From flax to linen I
15. oktober 2024
Nordic Handicraft Association inviterer til webinarer i projektet 1 sqm flax. Vi håber at se rigtig mange online.
Experiences with retting of linen
Ulla Ravn and Lis Brandt will talk about their experiences with retting of flax.
Hackling flax before spinning
Marie Ekstedt Bjersing will talk about different ways of hackling flax.
Tools to get from flax to linen
Liis Burk will about the tools seems that exist only in museums and the possibility to renew old tools and build new ones.
Svensk Hemslöjd og Borås Universitet er værter ved dette webinar.
Webinaret vil foregå på engelsk.
Tid: 15. oktober, kl. 18.00 - 19.30
Sted: Online, via dette link